Super pins are back for 505, 705,707,710 and 810 hinges
Online store now open
Now introducing flexible joints
Gaffney flexors with long nuts
Gaffney Dorsiflexion Assist Flexors are offered in two different sizes: children and adults. The custom machined hardware makes putting on and taking off straps easy operations.
Flexors kits for Children (including two short straps, four sets of hardware)
P/N 2000 Flexor 80-D
P/N 2000-B* Flexor 80-D
P/N 2000-C Flexor 85-D
Straps for Children (two replacement straps for P/N 2000 s)
P/N 2010 Straps 80-D
P/N 2010-B* Straps 80-D
P/N 2010-C Straps 85-D
Flexors for Adults (including two long straps, four sets of hardware)
P/N 2001 Flexor 80-D
P/N 2001-B* Flexor 80-D
P/N 2001-C Flexor 85-D
Straps for Adults (two replacement straps for P/N 2001 s)
P/N 2012 Straps 80-D
P/N 2012-B* Straps 80-D
P/N 2012-C Straps 85-D
Flexors kits for uni-lateral braces (two straps and two sets of long hardware)
P/N 4000/-B/-C (kid size)
P/N 4001/-B/-C (adult size)
*P/Ns 2000-B, 2010-B, 2001-B, and 2012-B are black for cosmetic purposes, same as the white flexor in terms of strength. 2000-C is clear in appearance.
80-D is 80 durometer and 85-D is 85 durometer.